“Shefat më kanë kërkuar favore s*ksuale”, moderatorja e sportit rrëfen: Ishte shumë e rëndë! Ja si fillon “festa” për të kryer marrëdhënie

Moderatorja sportive Sabina Mete ka treguar se është përballur me vështirësi kur ka kërkuar punë. Ajo ka rrëfyer se shefat ku ka aplikuar për vend pune i kanë kërkuar favore seksuale. E ftuar në “Natën me Aulonën”, moderatorja tregoi se për të ka qenë shumë e vështirë. “Bisedën e bën në zyrë dhe nuk mund […]

How to pick Board Area Platforms

Board space systems are result-oriented technological add ons that compliment the successful governance needs of business boards. That they allow older management of corporations, non-profits and general population companies to communicate and collaborate about decisions. These digital tools also offer a number of meeting aide functions, that really help to improve the performance and efficiency […]

Cost-free Board Management Software Reviews

Board supervision requires facile, undemanding, easy, basic, simple communication, getting together with scheduling, and document storage and exchange. These duties carry high stakes and can win or lose a business. The problem is they are time-consuming, complicated, and involve multiple persons. Boards can readily fall behind inside their responsibilities due to inefficient strategies to communication. […]

Astrology and Online Dating

Astrology is all the trend, thanks to apps like Hit that match users depending on their your pregnancy charts. The app introduced last summer time in Oregon, San Francisco and New York and recently came out pertaining to Chicago citizens. The owner for the company, Rachel Lo, tells Refinery29 that your lady had the concept […]

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