Sugars Daddie Sms

Sugar daddies like to give compliments and hype up all their dates. In addition, they love to gratify their fantasies via sms. If that they ask for sensitive information just like your bank account facts, card number, house or cell phone numbers, it is likely a bad deal. Block them immediately. Likewise, they often […]

Asian Relationship Mechanics

While American cultures prioritize individualism and autonomy, Asians and Oriental Americans create a greater emphasis on community and family. These valuations can lead to different conversation styles, where the needs of others often outweigh the needs belonging to the individual—generosity over self-sufficiency, equilibrium over disagreement. This type of culture also requires individuals to have the […]

“Jam dhunuar sistematikisht!”/ Mes lotësh, Zhaklin Lekatari tregon historinë: Nuk mbroja dot veten

Gazetarja dhe aktivistja Zhaklina Lekatari ka folur për kritikat dhe dhunimin sistematik që ajo ka ndjerë, jo vetëm nga komentet e shumta online referuar materialeve që publikon në blogun e saj, por edhe nga ish-partneri i saj. “Ka qenë një marrëdhënie personale në të cilën unë jam ndjerë e dhunuar dhe kam qenë e dhunuar. […]

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